A March(ish) Resolution

closeup photo of journal book and pencils

Hello, friends! Today marks the ides of March. In spite of Shakespeare’s famous line, the ides were rather benign. In ancient Rome, they were days designated for settling debts. And wouldn’t you know it, I owe you a post and a monthly resolution! So I’m settling my debt today on the ides of March. No backstabbing here.

My tardiness is not excused, but I’ll give you an excuse anyway. Here goes….

I’ve been busy.

This time of year is slightly hectic, and I’ve been pushing non-essential items further down on my list. And in those times of craziness, it’s incredibly easy to grumble and complain.

Complaining is sort of like vomiting, you know? It might make you feel better, but it stinks and leaves a mess for someone to clean up.

So let’s not do that, shall we not?

Which brings me to March’s resolution. This month, let’s focus on gratitude. I know, it’s not November. Thanksgiving is nowhere in sight. But that’s why it’s the perfect time to practice some gratitude. Gratitude gives us perspective when things get murky. Besides, let’s face it: There’s a lot to anxious about these days. Perspective is just what we need right about now.

So your challenge is to physically note or write down things for which you’re grateful. You can call it a journal, if you want. If colorful pens and beautifully bound lined paper help you complete the task, go for it. If you’d rather do a bullet point list on your phone while eating a granola bar as you frantically get the kids out the door so you can drop them off at school and get to work? That’s good, too. In fact, you’re exactly the person who needs some gratitude–and perhaps a moment to breathe.

Just to get you started on some ideas, here are some things for which I am grateful today:

  • I woke up in a warm bed with central heating and air. I despise being cold, and a comfortable bed is a luxury.
  • I am not living in a war zone. This is always a point of gratitude, but it’s especially pertinent right now. With that comes a whole host of blessings, too. For instance, there are mothers on the other side of the globe this morning who had to write their children’s names and pin it to their clothing for identification, in case the school was bombed. I didn’t have to do that, and it’s impossible to articulate how grateful I am for that.
  • The ability to walk- Walking feels great, and it helps our bodies and minds. Last week I spent 15 hours in a car within two days. Walking is “fresh” on my gratitude list!
  • I’m thankful for difficult people. No, they’re not fun to deal with, but I learn lessons each time I have to deal with them. I draw closer to the One who can help me, and I come out with a new appreciation for those who are kind.
  • I have enough Crystal Light packets to last me a few days. And I’m grateful for that purple-colored, caffeinated flavored water. It’s my elixir of life. Or at least my elixir of basic functioning.

So even though March came in like a lion (in more ways than one!), let’s do our part to help it go out like a lamb. What are some things for which you’re grateful? They can be silly, serious, big, little, weird, or boring. I guarantee that if you start the list, you’ll find unexpected things to add to it.

Want to share some things from your list? Comment below. I would love to see what you included!